Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Exciting News!

Well, exciting for me.  I've decided to book another trip.  Since there was no real summer break and life has been non-stop Thanksgiving week will be one of travel and excitement!  Where will I be going?  Find out after the jump...

Monday, June 4, 2012

More Pictures!

Here are some more of my favorite pictures.  It's been a couple of months and it's been nice looking back to see what I remember, what I miss, and what I'd love to see again. :)

Look, dunes!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Reflective Video - United Arab Emirates Study Trip

So I finally finished my video for school.  It's my first try with iMovie, actually it's my first movie PERIOD!  Feel free to watch, but be gentle!  :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Some of My Favorite Pictures

Buildings, and ports, and malls... oh, my!!

My FAVORITE day!!!  On Wednesday we had an absolutely incredible day.  From the beginning…

BurjKhalifa – What can I say?  It is stupendous, a prime example of engineering and human ingenuity.  This is a perfect example of Dubai striving to be the biggest and the best at everything.  The tallest building in the world is immediately obvious; it juts out of the Dubai skyline and towers over all other buildings.  The entry had several replicas of Burj Khalifa, including on made of legos!  There was also a section in commemoration of the filming of Mission Impossible.  Once inside you go through a people mover and watch a living mural.  It is incredibly vivid!   When we arrived and stepped out the view was absolutely breathtaking!  It is surreal to know you are standing above the clouds.  Unfortunately, the day was hazy so it was the best view possible, but it was still beautiful!  And despite the fact that I am very, very, VERY afraid of heights I couldn't but look down and enjoy the fact that I was 124 stories above ground. We took many pictures, shopped for souvenirs (there is a gold ATM there.  REALLY!!) and eventually made our way downstairs.  
Me... afraid of being in the clouds!

Dubai.... I've arrived!!!

So very tired!!  After a 14 hour flight from the US to Istanbul, a four hour layover and another four and a half hour flight to Dubai, we arrived at 2:30 am.  Customs was very disorganized and not consistent; some of the other students were just waved through! For a country that is based on international trade and service I was expecting it to be streamlined and efficient.  However, that was our introduction to the Middle Eastern way of doing business!